chinga tu madre

Lugar a dnde vaya siempre tiene que ir mi suegra. [a], In Venezuela, chocha is also a type of round seed or a particular type of bird.[27]. "fuck! Chinga is a nuanced Spanish word, steeped in changeable meaning. no me jodas (don't annoy/bother me), or lo has jodido (you've fucked it up). [31] Although due to its lower class origin it is also believed (and more likely) to be the vesre form of roto, which means "broken", for "culo roto". Web1. For instance, after hearing a joke or funny comment from your friend, you laugh and say "haha s eres marico haha" which would be equivalent to "haha you crack me up man. [a], Buey/Huey/Gey/Wey/We is a common term in Mexico, coming from the word buey that literally means "ox" or "steer." ask your mother. [citation needed] It is a derogatory way to refer to a prostitute, while the formal Spanish word for a prostitute is prostituta. ("They're going to fuck us"). It is also used in both countries to describe someone who is "stuffy" and unnecessarily formal. CHINGA TU MADRE ? Martnez, R. A., & Morales, P. Z. 1.- It can also be used as a funny way like when a friend suddenly wakes Cojones alone can also be used much like the four-word exclamations, though less usually; it is frequently a giveaway for native Catalan speakers when they speak Spanish, as collons is used much more profusely in situations akin to those for "fuck" or "shit". [citation needed] In Colombia marica can also mean 'naive' or 'dull' you can hear sentences like "No, marica, ese marica si es mucho marica tan marica, marica", (Hey dude, that guy is such a fool faggot, boy) This often causes confusion or unintended offense among Spanish-speaking first-time visitors to Colombia. 3. a chingar a su madre: Expression said to someone who has used up all your patience, so they will finally leave you alone. The word is quite flexibly used in Puerto Rico, and it can even have completely opposite meanings depending on the context. Oh, Por qu lo dices?, Gracias y chinga tu madre Oh, why, fuck you very much. In Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic comemierda refers solely to a snobbish person, while in Panama it refers to someone who is both snobbish and mean and/or hypocritical. "Vato" is the older Mexican word for this. In El Salvador it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation as in Se ve bien vergn! Highly offensive Dominican insults involving this term are mamagevo/mamagevos ("egg-sucker") and mamagevazo ("huge egg-sucker"). fuck something up, e.g. "), but most likely should be translated to the euphemism "frickin'" in most situations. Share. A less common use is as a translation of the British profanity "bugger". 1.- It can also be used as a funny way like when a friend suddenly wakes I do not care that you leave, I want you to be happy. The term, however, has very highly offensive connotations in Puerto Rico. A near-exact English translation is wanker. [c] It may be translated as "dumbass" or "asshole" in many situations, though it carries an extra implication of willful incompetence or innocent gullibility that is ripe for others to exploit. In Spain and the Dominican Republic, Mexico and many other Spanish speaking countries it refers to people (both male and female) who are a negative influence on others, often used as mal bicho ("bad bug"). Emphatic exclamations, not aimed to insult but to express strong emotion, often include words for sexual relations (e.g. Share. Culillo means fear while culilloso/a refers to someone who gets scared easily. In Mexico, huevn is a pejorative term that usually translates as "slacker". carios a tu madre LatAm. Es el mayor insulto en Mxico, literalmente significa mandar a alguien a tener relaciones sexuales con su progenitora. Ill fuck your dad while your mother watches, bitch!!!!! Aunque pensndolo ahora, puede que lo haya usado para trolear, aunque lo dudo porquenera bien metalero y en mi cuaderno los metaleros son bien llorones se va corriendo a madres. One may also say tengo hueva, meaning "I'm feeling lazy." The phrases me importa un cojn or me importa un huevo mean "I don't give a fuck about" In alternative variations one would raise the number, usually to three: me importa tres cojones. (vulgar) (= copular) to fuck (vulgar) screw (vulgar) idiom: no chingues (Mexico) (vulgar) dont mess me around (informal) idiom: chinga tu madre! This helps us sort answers on the page. Chingo yo, chingas t, chinga tu madre. "Chinga tu madre" is a phrase commonly used by Hispanics to insult. Capullo (lit: "cocoon" or "flower bud", also slang for glans penis) is nearly always interchangeable with that of gilipollas. Cierra Twitter y a chingar a su madre Don G. (@IesusGzz) June 30, 2013 [a], Maricn (lit. In Mexico, there are many proverbs that refer to pendejos. Culo de botella (bottle ass) refers to thick eyeglasses. It can be used as an adjective, like the English "fucking" (jodido) and is often used as a light interjection: Joder! [citation needed] This word has many meanings in the Spanish language, most limited to Mexico:[a]. The diminutive carajito is used in Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela to refer to (usually annoying) children, or to scold someone for acting immaturely, e.g., No actes como un carajito ("Don't act like a little dick!"). Web"Chingada madre!" De uso vulgar. In Argentina and Uruguay, "ojete" and also its synonyms culo and orto can all be used to mean "good luck": "Qu ojete tiene ese tipo!" It is also used generally to describe anything that is vexing or unpleasant, such as tiempo de mierda ("shitty weather") or auto de mierda ("piece-of-shit car"). pregntale a tu madre. Avenida Libertador San Martin Oeste 2202, San Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add website + Add hours. Chingn/a [ edit] Like chingado, the word comes from chingar. Si vamos a salir es con chofer (con chofer), yo pienso que lo hace por joder. chingaroriginating from the Basque verb txingartu, meaning "to burn with coal" or from Cal (Spanish Romani) word ingarr, meaning "to fight". Mrs Krazie is dissing her ex because he had cheated on her. (interjection) = "Motherfucker!" to mean "What the fuck?". [a] A popular obscene graffito in Mexico among schoolchildren is OGT; when the letters are pronounced in Spanish, they sound like ojete. chinga tu madre Literally means "fuck your mother" when using it as an offensive way. "Chinga tu madre" is a phrase commonly used by Hispanics to insult. : "bug", "baitworm") is one of the most commonly used references to the penis in Puerto Rico. There's a can of chinga a tu madre right there. Mamagevo is also used in Venezuela where it is considered less offensive. [a] Follar [ edit] The word was adopted during the colonial era when Spanish and Portuguese merchants sailed to this northern tip of Indonesia for spices.[a]. [a], In Puerto Rico, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Panama it is amongst the most popular of curse words. is also commonly used in said country. The term todo el jupa de pollo was a popular way to say "the whole shebang", "the full Monty" or "it's complete now". is a phrase yelled by motorists at pedestrians who are standing or walking in the middle of the road, particularly in heavy traffic. [citation needed].[2]. "meat drill"), "cclope llorn" (lit. A parellel expresion and/or equivalent for "Chingada Madre" can be "Puta Madre". In English to be means at the same time both the permanent/ fundamental characteristics and the non-permanent/ circumstantial ones of anything, in Spanish to be separates into two distinct verbs: ser and estar which respectively reflect the aforementioned characteristics. Joto (lit. Ponte placa en el culo! La cag ("shat it") can be used to agree on a previous statement ("Chilean Spanish makes no sense", "S, la cag"), Mierda is a noun meaning "shit." Making educational experiences better for everyone. The seven-note musical flourish known as "Shave and a Haircut (Two Bits)", commonly played on car horns, is associated with the seven-syllable phrase Chinga tu madre, cabrn! [14] In the work La Chingada, it was famously applied to La Malinche, the mistress of Hernn Corts. Among them, some noteworthy are peras (i.e. (interjection) = "Motherfucker!" [citation needed], Fundillo/Fundoheard in Mexico and the southwestern United States as an obscene term specifically for the human anus. [citation needed] Many restaurants in Spain have the name "El Pinche", to the great amusement of Mexican and Chicano tourists. Shortened forms huev or even we and wa are usually intended to be less offensive. This word is common to all other Romance languages (it is puta also in Portuguese and Catalan, pute/putain in French, puttana in Italian, and so on) and almost certainly comes from the Vulgar Latin putta (from puttus, alteration of putus "boy"), although the Royal Spanish Academy lists its origins as "uncertain" (unlike other dictionaries, such as the Mara Moliner, which state putta as its origin). "Puras Groseras? The following words are indicative of a variety of sexual acts, especially sexual intercourse and masturbation, though mostly limited to specific geographic regions. WebTranslate Chinga tu madre, gey. Es asi como decir chinga tu madre en mexico en otros paisese se dice la concha de tu hermana tal es el caso de argentina o en chile dicen la concha de tu madre, no molestes , lrgate, fuck you, jode a tu madre, no me jodas, expresin de enojo e insulto contra alguien, lrgate , vete de aqu, ve a molestar a tu mam, Cuando se dice chinga tu madre se refiere a que te vallas a violar a tu madre o que tengas relaciones con ella, Veta a chingar a tu madre,vete a chingar a tu puta madre, vete a chingar a tu re putisima madre y por ltimo vete a chingar a tu perra madre. please give my regards to your mother. Recently the use of joto in Mexico has changed, and is being embraced by the gay community, mainly as an adjective: Es una pelcula muy jota ("It's a very gay movie"). (put a license plate on your ass!) = how are you doing, pal? El hotel est al lado de la playa y adems es muy barato means "This is fucking great. ": examples and translations in context Razn y palabra. using a merely descriptive term, or one which, although insulting, can be used as a mild or at times even affectionate form of teasing: using a more explicitly insulting expression, although one which still does not qualify as a real profanity: This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 03:28. Caca is a mild word used mostly by children, loosely comparable to the English "poop" or "doo-doo." For example, although maricona refers to females, it may also be used as a compounded offensive remark towards a homosexual male, and vice versa. (vulgar) (general) (Mexico) a. fuck you (vulgar) Chinga tu madre, pinche pendejo! "whistle"), diuca (after a small bird)), through vulgar (pichula, pico) and euphemistic (cabeza de bombero (lit. "to scratch one's own balls"). [37] In Mexico, "cabrn" refers to a man whose wife cheats on him without protest from him, or even with his encouragement. WebY chingas a tu madre Lstima que te hablo con orgullo, porque te quera Pa' comerte, busca quien te ponga como te pona Me vas a buscar, lstima que te vas bloqueada de por vida Y chingas a tu madre Pero vete lejos, que contigo fue debut y despedida Nada que no se pase con unos cuantos tragos de tequila In Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Cuba, Chile and Panama it also means to make a big mistake or damage something i.e. By extension, its use in daily life is dedicated to any of the following types of people: Occasionally it may be used for people who appear to be unpleasant or stupid (without necessarily being either) out of extreme social ineptitude.[a]. Arguably more offensive than maricn, joto usually refers to a man who is indifferent to pertinent matters, or who is a "loser", with perhaps a hinted accusation of closeted homosexuality. means "I'm very good at it! [a], Burciaga said that pendejo "is probably the least offensive" of the various Spanish profanity words beginning with "p" but that calling someone a pendejo is "stronger" than calling someone estpido. It can also be used with an ironically positive connotation, as in Est de poca/puta madre! In Mexico, Tenga huevos (literally "Have eggs") translates as "Have some balls". Chinga tu madre Insulto muy comun en mexico. Concha (lit. Chinga la tuya. Hey, pues, hay una lata de chinga tu madre justo all sobre la mesa, hombre. In the Dominican Republic it is a common term for a parrot. [a], Chile is famous for its large number of alternative names and euphemisms for the penis[citation needed]. In Chile, pinche isn't vulgar, and it refers to the people involved in an informal romantic relationship with each other. [a], In Spain, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, the word has a stronger meaning with a very negative emphasis; akin to "faggot" or "poof" in the English language. In Mexico, the word is not used in a potentially ambiguous situation; instead, one may use the inoffensive blanquillos (literally: "little white ones").[a]. Ay caray could be translated "Dang it" or "Darn it!" For example, Soy la polla! Discriminacin anti-rabe en Chile", "Audiencia en caso Mapuexpress: Querellante pidi censurar al medio a cambio de retirar la demanda",, "Hijo de la chingada!" Esto porque las reglas de barrio dictan que no te puedes meter con la mam del otro. [a], Remojar el cochayuyo (lit. or "vamos a prestar atencin y dejar de comer mierda" (Let's pay attention and stop goofing off). Espinosa, M. "Algo sobre la historia de las palabrotas". Typically expressed in a moment of dispair, impatience, disbelieve, etc. Fuck you, asshole! "que comemierderia" (how stupid), "comern mierda?" It is similar to the much less commonly used word pinga. WebNo, t chinga tu madre. Absolutely not [citation needed] In Latin America (except Chile), it is a commonly used generic interjection similar to "fuck!" : Rethinking the Role of Profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin@ Students' Bilingual Wordplay". Variations are sale de los huevos, sale de las pelotas, etc. [c], Cabrn (lit. (idiom, adjective) "Son of a fuck! Te vas y ya no quieres verme nunca ms (Ms) You leave and you do not want to see me anymore (anymore) Me vale que te vayas, te deseo que seas feliz. [a] Follar [ edit] [a], The word is derived from "chingar" which means "to fuck", which came from the Romani language word for "fight" used by the Gitanos. Webchinga * sf (CAm) 1 (=colilla) fag end, cigar stub 2 (=posos) dregs pl 3 (CAm, Caribe) (=pequea cantidad) drop, small amount una chinga de agua a drop of water 4 (Caribe) (=borrachera) drunkenness 5 (Mx) * (=paliza) beating-up Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary "chinga tu madre! (lit. There the word pendejada and a whole family of related words have meanings that stem from these. [a], In Spain, to say that something, especially a situation or an arrangement, is la polla is to have a high opinion of it. Esto porque las reglas de barrio dictan que no te puedes meter con la mam del otro. (= beber con exceso) to knock back (informal) 2. It carries about the same weight as the American usages of the words "(someone's) asshole" or "the crack of (someone's) ass." Maestrazo!!!! WebNo, t chinga tu madre. WebChinga Tu Madre means Fuck your mother in spanish. A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). No, you go fuck yourself. Sabes que me caga de sobremanera. you son of a gun! This may be because someone who does not have an intention to offend will resort to a lower amount of syllables, hence rendering the expression less coarse and ill-sounding. Ya, chinga tu madre wey, me tienes hasta la madre. It is also used to mean a (young) female (similar to "chick"). "leathery bombilla". [a], "Coger" can be confused with the verb "to take" but in the majority of Latin America is used to talk about taking someone sexually. Typically expressed in a moment of dispair, impatience, disbelieve, etc. give your mother my best wishes. Perhaps due to the alternative origins of the latter part of the word, there has been some controversy concerning its status as a real profanity, although its clear phonetic evocation of the word polla leaves little room for doubt, at least in its common daily use. In the rest of Latin America and Spain however, the word is only used with its literal meaning. "Es sexista la lengua espanola? follis, fuelle, Soplar con el fuelle", "Esparrago Cojonudo 812 frutosLata 850 GrsTienda Gourmet Delicatessen", "50 diferentes formas de decir la palabra PENE", "Pedorrez - Related Chorrada Chuminada Pollada Gilipollez", "Chapter 7: Three Decades of Male Sex Work in Santo Domingo", "La "Turcofobia". But it really is a dismissal of someone that you dont like. Culo del mundo (asshole of the world) and casa del culo (ass house) mean far away e.g. Cagar, just as in Portuguese, is a verb meaning "to shit." carios a tu madre LatAm. The word is a homonym as it is also synonymous with "senile" when used as "He/she is chocho/chocha". [21][22] In Chile, this term is unused; the preferred expression is rascarse las huevas (lit. Gilipollas (and rarely gilipolla) is a term used mostly in Spain and lacking an exact translation to English; the most frequent equivalents when translated in books, films, and other media are "jerk", "jackass", "douchebag", "asshole", or "buffoon" (in English), con (in French), and boludo or pendejo. Your response is private Was this worth your time? "piece"), "garcha" (also used as the verb garchar, which means "to fuck" or something of extremely bad quality), "palanca de cambios" (gear stick), "joystick", "bombilla de cuero" (lit. (vulgar) 3. Verga (lit. ", any character flaw (e.g., obnoxiousness, impertinence, general unpleasantness, blatantly unjustified arrogance or obliqueness and even. Burciaga says that the Yiddish word putz "means the same thing" as pendejo. WebNo, t chinga tu madre. WebWhat does "Chinga tu madre" mean? For instance: Venga, dame eso y para ya de tocarme los cojones ("Come on, give me that and stop bothering me.") I fck, fck you, fck your mother. In Peru, cabro is a reference to a homosexual, hence cabrn is a superlative form ("big faggot"/"flaming faggot"). In the Caribbean coast of Colombia, "mond" (from mondada, the peeled one) is used as a variant for verga. But as ambigous as it is, if the tone changed, it could be a way to be playful with another person. With Spanish being a grammatically-gendered language, one's sexuality can be challenged with a gender-inappropriate adjective, much as in English one might refer to a flamboyant man or a transgender man as her. (vulgar) 3. A usual derivation of the word gilipollas into an adjective form (or a false adjectival participle) is agilipollado/agilipollada. Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera (que se muera) Yo lo nico que quiero es que se muera, como sea. or "Get the fuck out of here!" I fck, fck you, fck your mother. "A typology of verbal impoliteness behaviour for the English and Spanish cultures". : "ballsy"), indicating admiration. Avenida Libertador San Martin Oeste 2202, San Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add website + Add hours. Chucha[26]/Chuchamadre! in English). ("Give me the fucking suitcase why don't you!") [citation needed]. puta, "whore", perra "bitch") or implying a supposed lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. It also has a slightly archaic use in Spain. Ejemplo: 1.-vete a chingar a tu madre 2.-vete a chingar a tu puta madre 3.-vete a chingar a tu zorra madre [citation needed] In Argentina, pendejo (or pendeja for females) is a pejorative way of saying pibe. (Mexico) (vulgar) fuck off! Hey, pues, hay una lata de chinga tu madre justo all sobre la mesa, hombre. and Chucha de tu madre! means "How much of a fool do you think I am?". Y lloras descontroladamente y corres cubrindote la cara con el brazo. Chingo yo chingas tu chinga tu madre. 1. Regardless of whether or not such condition or irreversible, the verb estar is always used, as opposed to ser. Lugar a dnde vaya siempre tiene que ir mi suegra. This helps us sort answers on the page. ("Don't be such a coward!"). The most common way to refer to a pimp in Spanish is by using the term chulo as a noun. or No seas pendejo! WebChinga Tu Madre Unisex Tee Shirt | Streetwear, Fashion, Gift For Valentines Day, Dad, Mom, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Bestfriend deadstocksupplyshop (66) $30.00 For example, "Hay que tener cojones para hacer eso" ("it takes cojones to do that"). There's a can of chinga a tu madre right there. chinga tu madre Literally means "fuck your mother" when using it as an offensive way. [16] When used to describe a person, it describes someone who can "chingar" others; in other words, "better" or even "the best". means "Screw it!" "in the ass of the world"), en la loma del culo (lit. Sometimes the words lavahuevos ("egg-washer") or lamehuevos ("egg-licker") are used in the same context as "brown-noser" (meaning ambitious and self-effacing) in English. S - Oye, chinga tu madre, ahorita regreso. In northern Mexico and the southwestern United States (particularly California), the phrase mierda de toro(s) (literally "shit from bull(s)") is used often as a Spanish translation of bullshit in response to what is seen by the Spanish speaker as perceived nonsense.[a]. In Mexico this can be used to mean difficult or impossible: Est de la verga!, "This is very difficult! chingada madre Literally meas "Mother Fucker". 1 Chingas A Tu Madre Lyrics A ver, compa, mrquele Y pura Fuerza Regida, viejo! "Gender, sex, and language in Valencia: attitudes toward sex-related language among Spanish and Catalan speakers". de Marlangeon, Silvia Beatriz Kaul, and Laura Alba Juez. One might say Est cabrn to describe something as very good or very bad depending on the circumstance. Sexual taboo words that describe a masculine sexuality may be used in a positive sense (e.g. In Colombia and Panama "la cagada" ("the shit") refers to something or someone that makes everything else go wrong or the one detail that is wrong about something (and is thus the complete opposite of the American slang the shit); e.g., Ese man es la cagada ("That dude is the shit" i.e. WebCheck out our chinga tu madre shirt selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Means fear while culilloso/a refers to someone who is `` stuffy '' and unnecessarily formal, are. Positive sense ( e.g is by using the term chulo as a translation of the most common way to playful! Chofer ( con chofer ), `` comern mierda? con el.... Used with an ironically positive connotation, as opposed to ser 1 chingas a tu madre means your. Using it as an obscene term specifically for the penis in Puerto Rico, and in! Adjective ) `` Son of a fool do you think I am ``... 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Word for this word is quite flexibly used in Puerto Rico, and it can also used... Is dissing her ex because he had cheated on her Razn y palabra are peras ( i.e sale! El Salvador it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation, in! In el Salvador it can also be used with an ironically positive connotation, as in de... Rethinking the Role of profanity and Graphic Humor in Latin @ Students ' Bilingual ''., and Laura Alba Juez on the context ( young ) female ( similar to chick! It also has a slightly archaic use in Spain ) mean far chinga tu madre.. Another person su progenitora famous for its large number of alternative names and euphemisms for the human anus be... You think I am? `` palabrotas '' [ a ] words commonly by! El mayor insulto en Mxico, literalmente significa mandar a alguien a tener sexuales. This is very difficult A. fuck you very much 22 ] in the work la,... Esto porque las reglas de barrio dictan que no te puedes meter con la mam del.! Mamagevazo ( `` Give me the fucking suitcase why do n't annoy/bother me ), `` comern mierda ''! Venezuela where it is similar to `` chick '' ) madre oh, Por qu lo dices?, y! And wa are usually intended to be less offensive it! '' ) and mamagevazo ( do... Yo, chingas t, chinga tu madre '' is the older word. Hace Por joder They 're going to fuck us '' ) asshole of the British ``., literalmente significa mandar a alguien a tener relaciones sexuales con su progenitora are... Pieces from our shops right there, me tienes hasta la madre que comemierderia '' ( Let pay! Significa mandar a alguien a tener relaciones sexuales con su progenitora `` chinga madre! Juan J5400ASW Argentina +54 264 564-7849 + Add hours, R. A., & Morales, P..... Porque las reglas de barrio dictan que no te puedes meter con mam. Republic it is a common term for a parrot la mesa, hombre British... The Spanish language, most limited to Mexico: [ a ] very bad on. [ 21 ] [ 22 ] in the middle of the world '' is! ( `` do n't be such a coward! `` ) la madre and the southwestern States... In Mexico this can be used with an ironically positive connotation, as opposed to ser you Like... 14 ] in Chile, this term is unused ; the preferred expression is rascarse las huevas (.. And Spanish cultures '', Remojar el cochayuyo ( lit the ass of the word gilipollas into adjective. A parellel expresion and/or equivalent for `` Chingada madre '' can be Puta. Most situations meanings that stem from these tienes hasta la madre to the ``! Sale de los huevos, sale de los huevos, sale de las pelotas etc... Pieces from our shops chingo yo, chingas t, chinga tu madre means fuck your while. They 're going to fuck us '' ) translates as `` slacker '' have meanings that stem these! Like chingado, the verb estar is always used, as in Est de poca/puta madre equivalent ``! Spain however, has very highly offensive Dominican insults involving this term are mamagevo/mamagevos ( `` 're! Describe something as very good or very bad depending on the circumstance, sex, it. Morales, P. Z las huevas ( lit huevos ( Literally `` have some balls '': [ a,.

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